Henley shirts outside with mountains in background


The background for our design philosophy comes from our vision of reducing consumption. There is no such thing as sustainable textile production – the most efficient thing we can do is to buy fewer clothes. Our job is to make it easier and more fun to own less.


    Imagine that you are packing for a nordic road trip, without a plan and with many activities on your bucket list. And imagine that you also want to pack as little as possible. The ambition is that you should be able to bring only garments from NP with you, and that they will fulfill absolutely all your needs. In addition, we strive to make it possible for you to go on another road trip 10 years later, without having to buy new clothes in between.


    A road trip is a long adventure where you don't necessarily know what is going to happen. You never know what kinds of playgrounds you might stumble upon. Nordic means that you can easily find yourself in freezing temperatures and fast changing weather.

    Possible activities: Skiing (downhill and cross country), hanging out on the couch, hiking, fishing, taking the train, climbing, driving, wine and dine and so much more.

    On a nordic road trip you want functional clothing that suits all activities, you want to be comfortable and you want to look good.

    This is the base for our design philosophy.


    • Duration: Timeless designs and fantastic quality. You must be able to look good for many years without buying clothes often
    • Multi functionality: Smart designs and endless areas of use. You must be able to use our products for all occasions and adventures.

    More specifically, this means that we follow a set of rules when developing products:


    • Quality and quality control are very important. This also means that our clothes must be easy to repair and recycle.
    • Holistic quality is also essential. Quality means more than just how long the product lasts. Quality also means health aspects, how often the product needs to be washed, if it is easily repaired, how many chemicals seep out into nature in production, and much more. We are aware of and care about all of these aspects.
    • We develop clothing without thinking about the final price. The product must be as good as it possibly can be, without making any compromises.

    • We don't care about trends. Instead, we search for what you will like in 2, 10 and 100 years. Our goal is to design classics. Every. Time.
    • That means a relatively simple design; No huge logos or illustrations. Neutral and timeless colors.
    • We don't compromise when it comes to what we think looks good. Instead of pretending like our inspiration comes from "snowflakes slowly melting in the spring sun" (or similar pretentious bullsh*t), we work strictly and patiently, until we are 100% sure that we have developed a classic.
    • You have to look good in NP. That means that even functional clothing will be worn for many different occasions.
    • Functionality is key. We don't develop idiotic clothing where we put fashion in front of functionality. (We will never make a jacket that is so short that you show your belly button when you lift your arms – no matter what the trends say!)
    • We will always be honest. Our clothes don't pretend like they're something they're not.
    • We are playful, and hope to fit an element of this in every design. Ideally, you smile every time you discover a new detail.
    • "Boy" and "girl" colors are a joke. We will always avoid them.
    • We will never launch something new just to launch something new. We launch products where we see holes in our collection and because they deserve it and will deserve it forever.

    • Maximize the societal benefit. We will always be looking for possibilities in our society where we can make a difference, like we have done with our production in Oslo.
    • No shortcuts when it comes to sustainability. We care. Period. (But let us not pretend that we're perfect. There is still a lot we can do better.)
    • The same goes for labour conditions. Employees in our supply chain make more than just living wage. It is a requirement that they have good lives with good work conditions and a salary that covers more than just what they need to get by. (We don't support stereotypical labour conditions in Asian textile industries.)
    • We are also completely open about who we make our clothes with. See our list of partners that is continuously updated here.
    • We don't always know best. Often times, you know just as much as we do when it comes to what products you will wear for a long time look like. That's why we develop our concepts with our Community.

    We are also proud of having won a handful of design awards. That includes the DogA award, Scandinavian Outdoor Award og German Design Award. We are even more proud of the environmental awards we have won from Oslo Municipality and The Conference on Environmental Psychology.

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Weekdays 11-18
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Sundays 12-17
PLEASE NOT: Youngstorget store is now closed.
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