Northern Playgrounds goal is to decrease the world's clothing consumption. We can't do that alone. We need your thoughts to make better products and we need your feedback to become a better company. You are also the only one that can change the world by saying F you to fast fashion and other business models that want to sell as many low quality garments as possible.
Join us and
- Take part in the design process and product development
- Send us product ideas
- Test prototypes
- Get exclusive access to limited edition products
- Give us feedback on how a commercially driven company can contribute to creating a better society for people and the planet

The ambition behind The Last is to create the last outerwear you ever need to buy. It's a huge ambition, and to get as close as possible the products need to be tested by many people over a long period of time. That's why we are developing The Last with our Community. Over the past two years, over 150 people have tested the products and given their feedback. Based on this input we make improvements and alterations every time we produce a new batch.

In winter of 2021 we were got the idea to create a pair of "camp pants" from two of our Community members. We were immediately excited about the thought of finally offering mid-layers, and quickly decided to develop a matching jacket as well.
As with many of our products we decided to develop these ones with our Community. This gives ensures that we implement elements our customers want, and exclude details no one needs. For example, we removed the hood that was originally part of the product after asking our Community. If you want to take part in developing future garments, sign up above!