Behind the scenes #11 | Jo 40

Founder and CEO of Northern Playground, Jo, regularly sends out letters giving you a sneak peak behind the scenes of the company. We believe that honesty is an important part of being a responsible company. You can read his previous letters here.

This behind the scenes is a little different, and is written by Jos employees, Camilla, Marita and Anine. It is Jos 40th birthday, and we just had to share a tribute to him with you.

Let's get the most important thing out of the way: Jo is a fantastic boss! Working with him means that you get the opportunity to work for someone who is passionate about what they do, learn and develop professionally and experience ztrip-shows regularly (see photos below). Culture building is very important to Jo and he obviously takes our playful culture seriously 😉

Sometmes the culture building can derail and be taken a little too seriously. Since we have promised to be an open and honest company, we have to share things that aren1t quite "by the book" as well. Jo loves dirty jokes and will tell them completely unfiltered He is also the one who laughs the most at them, especially when the jokes end up having been inspired by true events in his life. We can also admit that Jo has had a bit too much fun at one of our Christmas parties, fallen asleep in the bathroom and slept over on the couch where we were. We're just happy that he trusts us enough to do that. We're only human!

Jo has spent his 30's surrounding himself with women at the office, but also in his personal life. Single life has meant that we have seen many ladies come and go, but moving in on 40 has done something to Jo. It looks like his 40's will be the years Jo settles down, and it seems like he has found the right woman to do that with (well played, Marte). We got a little idea of what was happening just before his 39th birthday, when we weren't quite used to Zoom meetings yet and Jo blew a kiss off screen that he forgot that we could see.

As you probably understand, Jo quite the outgoing boss. He starts the day by telling us all of his new ideas while high-fiving everyone at the office. And even though we have a playful office vibe, he is very serious and ambitious. The perfect combination if you ask us. There is no doubt that we love having Jo as a boss!

Happy birthday Jo!

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