In 2015, Pål and Pernille took a huge leap of faith, and bought a farm with no farming experience whatsoever – all just a few months after their first date.
"We found out that we shared a childhood dream of [...] living on a farm and working with animals." – Pernille
"... so half a year went by and we had a farm." – Pål

Today, the farm is known as The Funny Farm. We didn't need to spend much time there before understanding why. This farm isn't centered around your typical Norwegian "Felleskjøpet" overalls or maximizing the amount of meat per square foot. Here, it's all about country music, a rockabilly 50's inspired café, and animals of all types with slightly untraditional names. (Like Arsle, who would headbutt everyone in the arse...)

One of Pål and Pernille's main goals with the farm is to make others smile, whether that's by the locally produced food they sell in the café, the slightly unconventional farm animals or their work creating jobs and services for people worse off.
"The best reward I can get [...] is when people say 'this is a nice place to be.'" – Pål

When we were introduced to the idea of spending the day at Funny Farm and using Pål and Pernille as models, we were immediately intruiged. In our eyes, some of the hottest models have one-packs, grey beards and cute goats. And we can't help but dig people that dare to step outside their comfort zone and succeed in creating something unique.
Thanks for having us, Pål and Pernille!