How to steer clear of pests

Moths or beetles at home?

These pests are far from dangerous, but they can be very annoying. Both moths and carpet beetles can lay eggs in your clothes, which later hatch and become larvae. The larvae enjoy feasting on wool and silk. These are often the nicest and most expensive materials you have in your closet, and the small holes they leave behind ruin your clothes.

The occurence of these pests is more normal than you might think. Especially the beetles, which are found in most apartments in Oslo – especially downtown. Luckily, there are a few tricks that can be used to scare them off and stop them from multiplying.

How to get rid of beetles

The brown carpet beetle is its official name, but it is called the "Majorstua beetle" by most Norwegians because it immigrated there first. It is a tiny creature that looks like a flaxseed, both in size and color. If you see one it is important to remove it straight away, otherwise it can fly away and lay eggs. In addition to this, you can prevent it from showing up with these other suggestions:

  • Vacuum regularly; the beetles love dust, dirt and crumbs. Make sure to get in all the nooks and crannies – that is where they thrive.
  • Use lavender! The beetles hate this flower, and it can scare them away. Place small bags of dried lavender in the same places you store your wool and silk.
  • If you think that the beetles have layed eggs in your clothes, you can freeze them. Both beetles, larvae and eggs die if they are stored below -18°C. Let the clothes stay at this temperature for at least 24 hours.
  • Washing your clothes can help rinse out the eggs, but there is no guarantee.

How to get rid of moths

Have you seen moths fly by at home? They stand out with their golden bodies and brass wings. To protect your clothes from these insects, we suggest following these tips:

  • Shake out clothes that are kept on hangers. The eggs don't stick to the material, and will easily fall off if you shake or wear the garment.
  • In addition to beetles, lavender will also help scare away moths.
  • Moths don't like cedar, and you can chase them off with this scent. You can find it in fragrance balls, rings for hangers and essential oils.
  • Freezing our clothes will also get rid of moths and their larvae. If you store your clothes at -20°C or colder, both the larvae and eggs will die. We suggest storing them for at least two days, especially if the garment is large.
  • Heat treatment is another alternative. If you expose the clothing to heat over 60°C, all stages of moths will die. This takes at least 3-4 hours.

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