picture of Northern Playgrounds store front in Oslo

activist window

Activist poster with image of store front windows of Northern Playground

Your messages

We are a clothing brand that makes a living by selling clothes. But in one of the windows of our store in Grünerløkka, Oslo, you will never see advertisements for us or our products. We have donated the space to messages that inspire, provoke, and surprise, and that help move the world in a slightly better direction. Messages that you are passionate about but perhaps haven't gotten the attention they deserve.

Why are we doing this? Because we are tired of store windows that only aim to make people buy more. It’s mindless, boring, and often contributes to unnecessary consumption. Our new store in Grünerløkka is, like everything else we do, an arena for changing habits. This means we will challenge ourselves, our customers, the industry, and passersby to think differently and encourage them to do something they otherwise wouldn't. Maybe it can help change habits and the 'use-and-throw-away industry' in a slightly better direction.

Picture of an activist poster about predators


The poster is changed once a month. Throughout November, this poster is displayed in the activist window.

Submitted by: Morten Lie



Predators help preserve the natural ecosystem and contribute to balance in nature. If they disappear, it will lead to catastrophic consequences for nature and the animals that live in it."

Previous Posters and Submitted Messages

  • Activist poster

Write out loud

So, what are you passionate about? That people should finish their food? Or maybe you believe that tech is bad for the environment? We’re open to all kinds of suggestions and will, once a month, ask our Instagram followers to decide which message should be displayed in our Activist Window.

  • Want to decide what’s displayed?

    On the last day of every month, you can vote on Instagram.

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Korsgata 24 (inngang Markveien), 0551 Oslo
Weekdays 11-18
Saturdays 11-18
Sundays 12-17
PLEASE NOT: Youngstorget store is now closed.
(+47) 940 81 626
From with care
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